Thursday, November 27, 2008

Simple Plan

So I bought Simple Plan's new CD a few days ago. I put new in italics, because I think it came out a while ago, but I just got it. I planned on buying 3 CD's: SP, The Knux, and Fall Out Boy, but being that I'm shopping at the PX (Post Exchange) in Korea, we don't have the greatest selection. So all I got was Simple Plan.

Anywho, so I'm sitting on my bed, reading, with the new SP playing. It gets to track 4 and I'm just humming along and all of a sudden, I hear Pierre Bouvier, the lead singer say *expletive alert* "Do you think about me when he fucks you?" I about died. They grew up so fast! I tell you, the band members must have gone through a lot of heartbreak since the last CD because almost every song is about a girl.

Overall, it's a good CD. I'd say it's less "pop" than the last. Definately less of those "get stuck in your head all day" kind of songs. But I liked it.

Also, listen to the song by The Knux called "Bang Bang". I love it!

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