Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama, Rihanna, and International Relations

I'm sure you all give a hoot about my opinion on these topics, so here they are.

Ok so the new complaint about President Obama is that he's trying to do too much too early. Will you people ever be satisfied?! If he wasn't you'd all be complaining that he wasn't doing enough.
People are criticizing Pres. Obama's decision to focus not only on the economy, but also on healthcare. I completely agree with his statement that helping the healthcare system will help the economy. All the people who are unemployed are also uninsured, so they can't go to hospitals, so hospitals can't afford to hire nurses and doctors. The uninsured have to travel to India and Mexico to receive cheap hospital care. Giving everyone insurance will bring more jobs back to hospitals.

So Chris Brown. Wow. What a douchebaggins. I hope that he gets the absolute maximum punishment and that Rihanna never speaks to him again. It's not going to happen, but I can wish for it. I've heard on the news that she took him back. It's mean, but in my opinion, she stopped being the victim the moment she let him back into her life. I'm disgusted by all of both her and Chris Brown's people for allowing this behavior to happen and to not do something about it as well.

In completely unrelated news, I am now registered in Troy University's Master's in International Relations. Wahoo!! My first class is going to be International Political Economy. Yikes! I've been researching and it's going to be a really tough class. But it's one of the requirements for the degree, so hopefully I'll do good.

Also, I saw 2 movies recently that I must recommend. First is Slumdog Millionaire. I just have to jump on the bandwagon. This movie is amazing. It deserved every single Oscar it won. It was movie magic at its finest. The second is a movie that no one even noticed in 2006 when it first came out. It's called The Fall. I don't even know how to describe the plot, but it's absolutely brilliant. The settings and scenery are gorgeous and majestic. The characters are vulnerable and both human and super-human. I highly recommend it. I think it'll end up a new classic.

That's all I've got for now. Ta.

Oh wait, one more thing. The latest episode of Heroes. When Sylar cried out "Mommy?", I thought I was going to die. I love that character so much.